Sustainability Statement

In 2023, we renewed our materiality assessment of sustainability topics. For the first time, we carried out a materiality assessment based on the principle of double materiality, which takes into account the impact materiality of topics as well as their financial materiality across the value chain. Among other things, we mapped out opportunities to help us achieve our strategic objectives and annual targets, based on the external and internal environment and stakeholders’ expectations.

In 2023, Tallinna Vesi renewed its materiality assessment of sustainability topics. For the first time, the materiality assessment was carried out based on the principle of double materiality, i.e. the impact materiality of sustainability topics was taken into account as well as the financial materiality. The assessment was carried out across the value chain, taking into account all business lines of the group. Read more about the double materiality assessment methodology here.

Climate change

Our Climate Impact Reduction Plan is as much about climate change adaptation as it is about climate change mitigation. It builds on the company’s guiding principles on environment using assets sustainably, making its processes more efficient and greener, and preventing and reducing the release of pollutants to the environment.


Pollution of water and soil are material topics for us when it comes to wastewater and sludge management. Throughout all our activities, we are guided by the principle of saving and valuing the nature in which we operate. We continuously strive to reduce and prevent pollution to make the environment around us cleaner.

Water and marine resources

Almost 90% of our consumers in Tallinn and Maardu get their drinking water from surface water, which means that in order to provide a sustainable service, we depend on the availability and quality of raw water in Lake Ülemiste. Therefore, water abstractions and their potential impact on water resources are material topics for us. We believe it is important to use water resources sparingly and to continually improve water efficiency.


AS Tallinna Vesi Group falls under the scope of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and has to report data covered by the EU Taxonomy for the first time in its 2025 annual report. The group started preparing for reporting in 2023 by analyzing the scope to which the group’s activities are Taxonomy-eligible and mapping the criteria for activities that are Taxonomy-aligned. This will serve as a basis for collecting the data needed for the assessment in 2024 and for making the necessary adjustments to the financial accounting systems for the calculation of the performance indicators.

Own workforce

The overall wellbeing of its employees and safety at work is important to Tallinna Vesi, which is why the fifth key business direction set out in the company’s strategy is clearly focused on ensuring the wellbeing of employees. The strategy states that Tallinna Vesi values employee satisfaction, invests in its people, promotes a safe and fair working environment and supports succession planning to ensure continuity. The company offers an environment where motivated and committed employees can work towards both company-wide and individual career goals. One of the focuses of the strategy’s key direction related to employees is improving management quality and developing leadership skills.

Key sub-topics in this chapter include:

  • Safety at work

  • Employee engagement

  • Development and succession planning

  • Valuing and recognizing

Workers in the value chain

Safety is an important aspect of our day-to-day operations. We put the safety of our employees, customers and partners first. We foster a safe working environment and safe working practices, and we expect the same from our partners. In the case of workers in the value chain, we currently focus only on contractors working on construction and reconstruction sites directly related to Tallinna Vesi or its subsidiary Watercom, where we pay special attention to the working conditions of our partners' staff.

Affected communities

It is strategically important for Tallinna Vesi to enable sustainable urban development by developing green urban space. Tallinna Vesi mainly has a positive impact on the community by establishing, in partnership with the City of Tallinn, public drinking water taps where you can fill up your drinking water bottle or quench your pet’s thirst for free. The company also offers free water tanks for large events. Tallinna Vesi is supporting the community by raising environmental awareness through visiting schools and kindergartens, businesses and community events to talk about the environment.

Consumers and end-users

We provide water and wastewater services to more than 24,900 contractual customers and around 470,000 end-consumers in Tallinn and its surroundings. Hence, we are responsible for ensuring that more than a third of Estonia’s population has access to reliable, high-quality water and wastewater services.

The key business directions set out in Tallinna Vesi’s strategy are strongly linked to the provision of high-quality water and wastewater services to customers. Tallinna Vesi’s strategy outlines the following key business directions for customers and end-consumers:

  • We enable sustainable urban development by delivering high-quality water services, pioneering modern stormwater solutions and developing green urban space. We connect our customers to the vital water infrastructure and deliver excellent customer experiences using smart solutions and digital service channels.

  • We keep prices affordable for our customers by continuously improving our efficiency through modern technologies, digitalization and automation.

Business conduct

Under the topic of business conduct, we analyze the impacts, risks and opportunities identified in the company’s materiality assessment that are related to corporate culture, whistleblower protection, political engagement and anti-corruption.